6 Weeks to Eliminate Overwhelm, Master Your Energy, and Turn Your Sensitivity Into Your Super Power



Sound Familiar?

  • You feel overwhelmed and exhausted
  • You feel more emotional or sensitive lately
  • You’re experiencing problems sleeping or shifts in your sleeping patterns
  • You can no longer tolerate certain foods, ingredients, scents or have even developed new allergies and physical sensitivities
  • People are getting on your nerves
  • The things you used to do for self-care don’t seem to work well anymore
  • Other people are drawn to you for your positive or healing energy but you often feel drained after interacting with them

There are reasons for this...

  1. You're an empath; 
  2. Your energy sensitivity is growing (hellooo! It's not your imagination!); and
  3. Over the past three years, the world itself has been giving you more things to be sensitive about.

You are the very person I created this program for!


Why You Need This Course

See, we're in a whole new energetic era. A new level. And old approaches don't work the same on this new level (which is why your existing self-care techniques and tools aren't working as well for you right now.)

Understanding and resetting your empath energy is crucial if you want to stop feeling overwhelmed and start having more energy to do the things you want to do in life and be fully present to yourself and your loved ones the way you want to.

This is the work I do with my private 1:1 clients. I created this course to make these techniques, tools, and support more affordable and more accessible.


Here's What You'll Learn:


  • How to identify and eliminate the energy leaks in your life that make you feel overwhelmed and exhausted even though you do self-care
  • How to ground yourself to prevent other people's energy from sticking to you
  • How to understand what your body is telling you about the energy around you
  • How to recognize what stuff is yours vs. what energy belongs to other people
  • How your environment may be contributing to your overwhelm and what to do about it
  • How to recognize and disarm energy vampires and energy parasites -- those people who are a constant drain on your energy
  • How to soothe your nervous system when you feel overwhelmed
  • How to turn your super sensitivity into your super power so that it works for you and not against you

What's Included:


Here are all the juicy goodies you'll get when you sign up for this course:

  • 12 hours of video instruction with yours truly!
  • Worksheets and journal prompts to help you see where you are and break through your internal blocks
  • Calming mind-body-spirit practices to help soothe and regulate your nervous system
  • Meditation downloads -- keep my voice in your pocket all the time!
  • Monthly LIVE Q&A sessions -- talk to Jamila and get your empath and energy questions answered
  • A private support forum -- you might feel like you’re the only one in your circle who’s energy-sensitive. In my Empath Energy Reset course, you’re not alone! In our private forum, you’ll get support from me during our course and meet other like-hearted, sensitive souls just like you.
  • and so much more!


What Students Are Saying: 

"I don't feel like such a freak anymore"

I don't feel like such a freak anymore. I didn't have many friends in my immediate circle who I could talk to about things like picking up on energy (including stuff that wasn't mine) and being drained being around certain people. I used to avoid some people like the plague because their energy made me so drained and uncomfortable.

It was so comforting being in Jamila's class and being surrounded by other people who are just like me. And now with what I learned, I can go anywhere and be around anybody and not take on anything that I don't want to allow.

I appreciate the way Jamila was able to tap into my unique situation and intuitively speak to it during the live Q&A."

~ Ashana Jones
Charleston, South Carolina

"Sometimes we are our own energy vampires..."

I almost didn't register for the course 'cause I was acting like 'Mr. Know It All.' 'I already know how to manage my energy.' 'I don't have issues with being sensitive.' You know... I was talking big in my head. 🙄

But [on the livestream] Jamila started talking about how sometimes we are our OWN energy vampires. I said...hold up!!! Wait a minute! Say what now?!? She even led me through a practice of calling my energy back FROM MYSELF!

I never clicked register so fast yall!!

Jamila always comes through with that new perspective I ain't never heard before!!👏"

-- Jamari W.
Columbus, Ohio

"How to protect myself energetically..."

"I signed up for Empath Energy Reset immediately because I am rapidly being moved into my healing work by my guides and angels and I know my intuition is going to play an important part and I need tools to enhance it as well as how to protect myself energetically. As soon as I saw it I knew Jamila was the right teacher for this."

-- Linda T.
Washington, D.C.

"Better equipped to manage and read my energy"

"As a coach and author who is an empath and also an introvert, my sensitivity can be incredibly powerful but also very draining at times. I signed up because I want to be better equipped to manage and read my energy when contending with life in general, not to mention the energy I feel from energy suckers which can throw me off my game."

-- Alicia R.
Tampa, Florida

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